ITAR Freight Forwarders

When I was a kid, my father used to provide me with a wealth of important “life lessons,” doled out in simple one-liners that I could carry with me as I grew older. One of my favorites was “If you’re going to run with the pack, make sure you’re the leader.” Another that has served […]

DSP-73 Export License

What is a DSP-73 Export License? Other than the DSP-5 Export License, the DSP-73 is the type of license I hear referenced most often in the export compliance community. The purpose of a DSP-73 license is to allow for the temporary (not permanent) export of controlled goods regulated by the Department of State. This means […]

H.R. 5828 Would Significantly Change the Current AES Environment

On April 17, 2008, new legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives (“Securing Exports Through Coordination and Technology Act,” H.R. 5828) by Representatives Don Mazullo (R-IL) and Adam Smith (D-WA). This bill, which is intended to “enhance the reliability of information in the Automated Export System,” would significantly change the current AES filing environment. […]

Are OFAC embargoes truly worth the price in humanitarian costs?

I thought it might be time, to put the “legalities” of export controls aside, and instead, view these “controls”, whether they be BIS or OFAC’s, from the eye of the people that truly are affected-and I am not talking about American businesses, which though do have valid reasons to dispute unilateral embargoes placed by the […]