Export Enforcement Actions in 2007

Below is a link to the US Department of Justice’s Fact Sheet: Major U.S. Export Enforcement Actions in the Past Year. Please pass it along to anyone who doesn’t believe that people ever get in trouble for export violations. A few that stood out for me: Excellence Engineering Electronics – Restricted Technology to China ITT […]

What is a Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA)?

Not too long ago, I helped to develop a compliance program for a well know defense contractor who’s business was the US sale of communications systems for commercial and military aircraft. Their primary issue was not licensing for the export of their products, but rather that their sales and marketing departments were in the US […]

Exporting Technical Data

While exporting grenade launchers to an unfriendly nation might be a cut and dried State Department licensing procedure, a more slippery and often significantly more treacherous export is that of technical data. With the evolution of the internet and an ever-shrinking world, this less tangible export is (in my opinion) far more dangerous to the […]

H.R. 5828 Would Significantly Change the Current AES Environment

On April 17, 2008, new legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives (“Securing Exports Through Coordination and Technology Act,” H.R. 5828) by Representatives Don Mazullo (R-IL) and Adam Smith (D-WA). This bill, which is intended to “enhance the reliability of information in the Automated Export System,” would significantly change the current AES filing environment. […]